JDLV is a new programming framework blending DLV with Java programming. The framework is based on JASP, a hybrid language that transparently supports a bilateral interaction between Answer Set Programming and Java. A key ingredient of JASP is the mapping between (collections of) Java objects and ASP facts. Java Objects are mapped to logic facts (and vice versa) by adopting a structural mapping strategy similar to the one employed by ORM tools for retrieving/saving persistent objects from/to relational databases. In particular, JASP specifications are compliant with the JPA standard for Object-Relational Mapping to perfectly fit extensively-adopted enterprise application technologies.

JDLV is free for academic and non-commerical educational use, as well as for use by non-profit organisations. 

Licences for commercial use can be requested by writing to info@dlvsystem.com

To request a copy of JDLV please write an email to info@dlvsystem.com