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A Remote Patient Monitoring App for the Boston MASS general hospital

DLVSystem is involved in the development of a innovative mobile application for the Mass General Brigham Hospital in Boston. Hence the need to have an application for strictly monitoring the health state of a patient during its treatment period. Giovanni Melissari, DLVSystem Sofware Architect, thus presents the new software: "the app ensures constant remote

2022-03-11T11:23:14+01:0011 March, 2022|Featured|

DLVSystem launches its new official website

DLVSystem presents the new official company website . For CEO Prof. Calimeri it is "a new milestone for our communication strategy and brand management plan". The site, in fact, has not only been renewed in graphics, above all it shows the evolution of the company know-how in the field of Artificial Intelligence, the expertise

2022-02-15T12:05:23+01:0015 February, 2022|Featured|