Cosenza, Italy – We are pleased to announce the installation of a new multi-parametric environmental monitoring system in the city of Cosenza within the project “Smart city Lab”. The system is based on a network of sensors and weather stations that will constantly monitor a variety of parameters such as air quality, temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure.

The deployment of this system is in line with the city’s efforts to become a smart city, where technology is used to improve the quality of life of citizens and the efficiency of city services. By monitoring environmental parameters, the city can make informed decisions on how to improve the environment and reduce its impact on the health and well-being of citizens.

The project is realized within the POR Calabria FESR FSE 2014 2020 Call “Support to the generation of innovative solutions for specific problems of social relevance, also through the use of open innovation environments such as Living Labs”. The project’s partners are e-way Enterprise Business Solutions s.r.l., DLVSystem s.r.l., and IOG Technology s.r.l., together with the University of Calabria represented by the departments DIMES and DEMACS and the University Liaison Office. Many municipalities of Cosenza Metropolitan Area are tester boards.

The system will also provide the Municipality of Cosenza with real-time information on the environmental conditions of the city through a dedicated website, giving them the ability to make informed choices about their daily activities. Furthermore, by collecting data on a large scale and analyzing it, the system will enable the city to identify patterns and trends that can be used to make strategic decisions in terms of environmental policies.

Overall, the implementation of this system is a significant step forward in the city’s efforts to become a sustainable, livable, and smart city. We are confident that it will provide valuable insights that will help make Cosenza a better place for all its citizens to live.