The activities of the Smart Cities Lab Project come alive! The project is realized within the POR Calabria FESR FSE 2014 2020 Call “Support to the generation of innovative solutions for specific problems of social relevance, also through the use of open innovation environments such as Living Labs”.

In particular, in recent week sthe project partners – the companies e-way Enterprise Business Solutions s.r.l., DLVSystem s.r.l., and IOG Technology s.r.l., together with the University of Calabria represented by the departments DIMES and DEMACS and the University Liaison Office – have intensified their activities with the implementation of an IoT system for the acquisition of parameters of air pollution, noise pollution and weather data. The installation of specific devices – implemented in Cosenza metropolitan area – is aimed at measuring values of solid particulate (PM10 and PM2.5), ambient noise, wind speed and direction, atmospheric pressure, temperature, solar radiation and precipitation.

The data is directed to dedicated servers that provide a set of models useful for monitoring tasks and decision support activities. The implemetation of such models eploits Artificial Intelligence Techniques.